Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Reading Notes: More Jataka Tales Part B

Hello VagaBuddies!

Welcome to the Reading Notes for Jataka Tales Part B! These stories were the spiciest stories out of all of them (And my favorite story of all the Jataka Tales!) Here is the reading list for this week:

Reading Part B
How the Monkey Saved His Troop
The Hawks and their Friends
The Brave Little Bowman
The Foolhardy Wolf
The Stolen Plow
The Lion in Bad Company
The Wise Goat and the Wolf
Prince Wicked and the Grateful Animals
Beauty and the Brownie
The Elephant and the Dog

One of the better stories in this reading was the story How the Monkey Saved His Troop, because I really liked the sacrifice that the Chief Monkey made to save his troop. However, I was curious about the actual distance between the trees. because if one monkey could stretch across and grip both ends, then surely all the monkeys could jump that distance!  Then the monkeys would be much easier saved, without needing the king to grant the chief monkey his life in order for everyone to make it out alive. Regardless, great story about heroism and bravery.

Without further ado, my favorite story: The Stolen Plow!  I loved this story so much mostly because I feel like I would react exactly as the second farmer would! I am not usually petty, but sometimes I get so in my head that I overreact! So when the first farmer stole the plow, and the second farmer reacted by stealing the other guy's fucking KID,  I instantly felt like I was the second farmer. And his response to the JUDGE was also so petty. Like imagine going up to a judge, someone who has the power to send you to prison, and you just use him as a way to further your petty plot. Imagine being called into a legal battle, and you bring up a completely separate incident as a justification for the current situation. It's ridiculous! And I loved it. 10/10 would definitely read more petty stories like this again.

Babbit, Ellen C. "More Jataka Tales"

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